Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Meditation ~ Abundance

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are.When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
Do you want more out of life?  Sure, everyone does!  But did you know the best way to get more out of life is to recognize all of the wonderful things you already have.  The Universe is a vast and abundant place, capable of giving us everything we need.  And the way to tap into all that abundance is to be grateful for what we have, right here, right now.

A gratitude list helps helps us stay focused on what we can be happy and thankful for in the present moment. It can change our mood from one of anxiety and scarcity to one of hopefulness, excitement, and contentment.  And it's easy to do.  Simply grab some paper, a post it note, or open your favorite word processing program and start listing all of the things you are thankful for.

But what if your life is a complete wreck?  Then start small.  Sometimes it is the smallest things that inspire us the most and give us the most hope.  Maybe it's a warm smile from a loved one.  Or a nuzzle and a purr from your kitty.  Even if you are only able to recognize one small thing to be grateful for, you will have fed your spirit and opened yourself to all of the abundance life has to offer!

Live Healthy.  Live Happy.

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