Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Meditation ~ Inner Wisdom

"Witnessing my thoughts I realize that my mind is never my authority. There is another place inside me that I can always trust where I make decisions that are correct for me."
~Elisabeth Blaikie

Some people call it intuition or listening to your "gut" instinct.  But very few people actually consult their inner wisdom when trying to make a decision or solve a problem.  Most people, including me, try to reason everything out.  Still others prefer to seek out the advice and approval of others, or look to outside influences when faced with a tough decision.  But there is also a quiet wisdom inside of each of us that can offer invaluable insight if we learn to listen to it.

Try reaching out to your own inner wisdom next time you meditate.  Ask it something small and just listen with an open heart to what it has to say.  At first, it may be a challenge, but with practice, it will become easier and easier to tap into this amazing resource all of us have within ourselves.

Live Healthy. Live Happy.

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