Friday, April 15, 2011

Get Over the Weight Loss Plateau

I hit one of those inevitable weight loss plateaus, so I decided it was time for some research.  In this video, Susan Bowerman, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant for Herbalife, talks about why we experience weight loss plateaus.
When you cut your calorie intake, your body assumes that food is scarce. So it does what it’s programmed to do – conserves calories by slowing down the rate at which you burn them. As a result, your resting metabolic rate –the calories you burn every day just to keep normal body processes functioning – goes down.
Though frustrating, plateaus are a normal physical response to dieting and due to our biological differences, more common in women then men.  It all boils down to your body playing defense.  From an evolutionary standpoint, requiring less food during time of food scarcity meant survival, and our body is programmed for survival.  Even though I'm healthier right now then I've been in a while, my decreased calorie intake has triggered a natural biological response to what it sees as a "famine".  It's actually one of the reasons skipping meals usually hurts weight loss instead of helping it.  But that's a whole other blog entry. :)

Other ways to combat a sluggish metabolism?  Grazing on healthy foods throughout the day can help send your body the message that there is plenty of food available.  Grazing also helps your body maintain a normal blood sugar level, which helps your cells absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Increasing your activity level can help as well, especially adding weight training to your routine.  Weight training exercises help build muscle, and studies have shown that building muscle increases both your active and resting metabolic rate.  And while we are talking about building muscle, be sure you are eating enough protein to give your body the building blocks it needs to do so.  If you're not sure how much protein you should be getting, message me and I'll be happy to set up a free consultation. 

Natural supplements like Herbalife's Herbal Tea Concentrate and Total Control can help keep your metabolism fired up as well.  Yes, there are tons of metabolism boosters on the market, but they often contain stimulants and lots of chemical additives.  I've tried some of them, and all they did was leave me jittery; and some actually increased my appetite!  The Herbalife supplements, on the other hand, contain natural botanical ingredients and no stimulants.  So not only have they increased my energy level without the jitters, but I feel better knowing I'm not dumping potentially harmful chemicals into my body.  And they don't leave me feeling hungry.

So if your like me and find the scale has stopped moving, remember that plateaus are a normal response to a change in your dietary intake.  Be patient with yourself and your body.  Make sure you are giving your body the right amount of healthy fuel and keep your metabolic engine revved up, and you'll soon find yourself over that speed bump and back on the road to weight loss.  

Live Healthy.  Live Happy.

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