Saturday, April 9, 2011


This is a work in progress, but so far, these are just some of the things I am grateful for:

My amazing husband.  I have never known such a kind and loving soul.  Thank you for sharing your life with me, for loving me when I'm not very lovable, and for believing in me.

My "kids"...  Cozmo, Baby, Leah, and Willow.  They make me smile even when I'm sad, make my life richer even when I'm broke, and have taught me over and over again what unconditional love means.  

Incredible friends who have enriched my life in so many ways.  Yes you, right there reading this.  :)  You know who you are!

My careers, both past and present.  My time spent as a teacher allowed me to enrich the lives of my students in a way few people can.  Writing for the the video game industry and as a free-lance writer... one word.  Awesome.  And being self employed, though scary at first, allows me a level of personal freedom and creativity that make each "work" day one I look forward to!

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