Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Meditation ~ Learning to Soar

"A toddler will fall down many times before learning to walk. I will fall down many times both in my own eyes and the eyes of others during my life's journey.  But it is only when I let go of those limiting opinions and expectations of myself and look skyward that I will learn to fly."
Learning to fly, as a person, was one of the most important things in my life a few short years ago.  I practiced daily meditation, I fed my curiosity daily and nourished my mind and my body with things that were good for me... and was willing to let go of any limiting ideas that came my way.

Then the one thing I had never expected to happen did.  I found myself in a new city without a job and unable to find a new one.  So much of my self confidence and self identity had been tied to my career that when I found myself suddenly without one, I fell.  Hard.  Actually, truth be told, I did more then fall. I self imploded.     

The year that followed that was one of great trials.  Culminating in a devastating auto accident that left me in chronic pain and robbed me of my mobility for months.  I lost all faith in myself.  I let all of the limitations of my situation, my own shattered confidence and the opinions of others taint my vision.

They say that when you hit bottom, the only place to go is up.  Well I was there.  But I was never one to give up easily.  So I once again looked skyward.  I remembered the beautiful soul that was still inside me, filled with passion and creativity and potential.  I had been holding her back, holding onto limitations that were not part of who I was, only part of what had happened to me.  It was hard, but I decided to let go of all of the things that were holding me back and start over.  It hasn't been that long since I made that decision... but even in such a short time, it has been life-changing. 

Maybe that's why I wanted to share this particular meditation.  Because that one small decision, to let go of all the limiting ideas and expectations that we hold onto, can make such an overwhelming change for good in our lives. 

What limiting opinions and expectations are keeping you from soaring?

Live healthy.  Live Happy.

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