Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clearing the Clutter

Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to get motivated on an overcast, rainy day?  Or has tackling a pile of dirty dishes or a heap of laundry ever left you feeling like you could tackle the world?  That's because our state of mind is closely tied to all aspects of how we live our lives.  It's not just what we put into our body that matters... the environment we surround ourselves with has a huge impact on the quality of our lives.

For me, clutter is my nemesis when it comes to maintaining an environment that enriches my own sense of personal well-being.  When I'm surrounded by clutter, I find it hard to focus.  I feel frazzled, anxious and short-tempered.  And right now, my house is CLUTTERED.  So much so that I'm finding it extremely difficult to even finish this blog entry.

So my challenge to myself and to my readers is to take a look around your home, your office, your car... anyplace you spend a significant amount of your waking time.  Take a look around and see what your surroundings say about your state of health and happiness.  Are they an accurate reflection of how you feel... of how you WANT to feel?  Or like me, is there room for improvement?  And remember, even small accomplishments can have a huge impact on your sense of well-being.

The timing is perfect for some spring cleaning,  so over the next few days, I'll be clearing out some clutter around here.

Live Healthy.  Live Happy.

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