Thursday, March 17, 2011

Live Healthy. Live Happy.

Those of you who know me, know that I'm probably the biggest cynic there is when it comes to diet programs. Because at best they don't work and at worst, they can be amazingly harmful to our bodies. But there is no denying that weight management should be a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. And that's why most "diets" may work for a bit, but don't last. Because losing weight, being healthy has to be a lifestyle choice. You have to make healthy decisions for yourself; and if you are living a healthy life, then your body will find it's ideal weight.

So I was cynical. I've tried those shake type programs before. You know the ones... drink two high sugar, chalky, expensive shakes a day and lose weight. And it can work, at least short term.   But does anyone really want to drink that for the rest of their life.... to make that part of their lifestyle? I didn't. And I couldn't even if I did. I'm diabetic, so I have to be mindful of the amount of processed sugar I can have, and the typical "diet shake" has way too much sugar per serving to be healthy for anyone, let alone someone trying to manage diabetes.

But Herbalife Formula 1 is different. It's low sugar and actually tastes good with no chalky metallic aftertaste. I can add fruit to it and make a smoothie or enjoy it as is. I feel satisfied while I'm drinking it and stay satisfied for hours after. And it is only a part of a system that is based in sound nutritional science, so I know that I'm not depriving my body of what it needs to be healthy.

But I was still cynical. But I also needed to make a change. I was at the heaviest weight I've been at in 5 years. My diabetes was almost impossible to manage even after adding insulin to my long list of medications. I had no energy and had slipped into the worst depression I had experienced in over 10 years. So when I learned about Herbalife and their core system of weight management products, I swallowed back that cynicism and gave it a try. After all, I had nothing to lose but the weight.

And now, I'm no longer cynical. In fact, I am inspired. I've been using Herbalife's Advanced program for about 2 weeks now and I've already lost 10 pounds. And I've gained so much more then that. I feel amazing. I have energy again and the depression has subsided. I finally have my diabetes back under control. Even my seasonal allergies have all but disappeared... an unexpected but very nice side effect.

How can a diet do all that? It can't. But Herbalife can because it's so much more then a diet. It's a way to live healthy. It's a system designed to help you achieve balanced nutrition and give you're body what it needs to thrive. And thrive, I will.

Live Healthy. Live Happy.

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