Thursday, March 24, 2011

Healthy Inside and Out ~ Healthy Hair

There was a time when I had 80's hair.  Yes, that's me in that picture -- 20 years old when I still had big (REALLY BIG) hair.  I tell you, getting that kind of lift was an art!  My hair was always fine so hair gel and extra hold hairspray was a must, but I had a lot of hair to work with.  But something happened when I hit about 25.  I started to lose my hair.

I used to joke that it was my hairs way of getting back at me for all of the hairspray and blow-drying I put it through in my pursuit of big hair.  But the truth is, most women experience thinning hair at some point in their lives.  Mine just started early.

You see, women don't usually lose hair the way that men do.  Instead of distinct  hair loss patterns, women lose their hair all over.  You might notice more hair in your brush. You may start seeing bits of scalp where you couldn't before.  Your hair might just seem flatter and less full.  Lot's of things can contribute to it.  Aging.  Environmental factors like over-styling, hard water, and harsh chemicals.  And poor nutrition.  

By the time I was 30, I had noticeable thin spots.  I tried those vitamins made specifically for "healthy hair and nails".  I tried hair growth treatments designed specifically for women.  They helped halt the damage... kept me from losing more hair.  But I was still left with thin, limp hair where there was once a full mane of beautiful chestnut waves.

Skip forward to a few days ago.  I had just gotten out of the shower and was combing through my freshly dried hair.  Even without any styling products, it was fuller and shinier.  I primped a bit, admiring it curiously.  Then I got up close and personal with it, scrutinizing my known thin spots only to find that I was having trouble finding them.  What I did find was tiny little new hairs starting to grow!  I was perplexed, but had a busy afternoon planned and didn't think much more of it.

Until later that night.  That's when my husband, out of nowhere said.  "Wow.  You're hair looks great tonight. Did you do something different?"  He noticed how good my unstyled, unprimped hair looked.  Because it did look good.  Better then it's looked in a while.  And the only thing that had changed was what I've been putting in my body.

So I did some focused research on the new Herbalide products I had just started taking.  I found an article by Dr. Luigi Gratton that specifically mentioned two of the nutritional supplements I was taking.
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex is a great way to obtain the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair. It contains over 20 essential nutrients such as Zinc which builds hair protein and vitamins B and C which support strong, supple strands of hair. It also includes Iron, which prevents hair follicles from being starved of oxygen and Beta-Carotene, an essential nutrient for hair growth. Herbalifeline® contains Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for healthier, shinier looking hair. These essential fatty acids help to condition and lubricate the hair.

Better nutrition, better hair. WIN!  I knew being healthy means healthier hair too... I just never imagined could be so noticable in only a few weeks time.

I'm so impressed with the improvements I've seen with my hair that I'm getting ready to start using Herbalife's Moisturizing Aloe Shampoo and Conditioner as well.  I'll keep everyone updated!

Live Healthy.  Live Happy!

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