Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Meditation ~ Change

They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

    -Andy Warhol

This morning, I was pondering what today's meditation should be when I stumbled on this quote by Andy Warhol.  I never imagined I would find what I was looking for in a quote from a pop culture icon.  You see, I was starting to get a bit complacent with my wellness routine, and though I was still doing good, I wasn't doing as good as I could.  I needed a little shot in the arm to remind me that I have to keep working at what I want to achieve. 

Getting in shape... mind, body, and spirit...  IS going to take time, but it isn't going to happen by itself.  It's going to take focus, desire and effort on my part. 

So I'll leave you with another quote worth pondering...

Inspiration can come from anywhere, even where you least expect it. 
Where does your inspiration come from?  
Live Healthy.  Live Happy.

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