Monday, April 11, 2011

Live Healthy, Live Happy Weight Loss Challenge FAQ

Where does my registration fee go?
Almost all of your registration fee goes directly into the prize fund for your challenge!  That means, the more people who participate in the challenge, the more prize money is awarded.  Only a minimal amount of your fee is set aside to cover administration fees for the challenge. 

Are you even qualified to teach this class?
Yes.  I’ve received training to become a Weight Loss Challenge coach and I will be using proven materials developed by the doctors and nutritional scientists at Herbalife to teach the class each week.

Are you going to be doing the challenge with us?
I am, and so is my husband Kirby!  We have a weight loss goal just like you!  But because I am also leading the challenge, my husband and I will be "opting-out" of any prizes awarded during the challenge.

Do I have to follow a certain weight loss program?
Nope!  You can follow any weight loss program you want.  I will be providing free meal plans and making recommendations based on Herbalife’s medically approved weight loss program, but you are free to use whatever method you choose.

Do I have to attend meetings in Austin?
No.  We will be using the World Wide Web to meet each week.  Lessons will be presented on the Weight Loss Challenge class website and we will hold our discussions via web forums and phone/web conferencing.  I am also available as often as you need for 1-on-1 consultations via the phone, IM, or email.  

But I don’t want everyone to know how much I weigh!?!
Not to worry!  The only person you have to “weigh-in” with is me, and your weekly weigh-in results will be kept in confidence between you and I.  There will be a private, members-only section of the forums where participants can publicly weigh-in if they want to share their progress, but it is optional. 

Every three weeks, I will post who the three weight loss leaders are and how much they have lost, but your actual weight will be kept private unless you decide to share it!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and idea for a group challenge, Gina -- I wonder if you can share more info, like how much to join? Please send email to sunnyincambridge "AT" yahoo. Thanks!


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