Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Meditation ~ Creation and Choice

You have created your fears. And you can choose to lay them to rest. You have created your dreams. And you can choose to bring them fully to life.
~ Ralph Marston

This week's meditation will help increase your own inner awareness.  Spend a few moments in a quiet, peaceful place and ask your inner voice, "How are the choices that I make manifesting in my life?"  Listen to whatever thoughts and sensations may come with a childlike curiosity and an open heart; breathing deeply without judgement.

And remember that it is OK if you don't like the answer you might be hearing.  This exercise is meant to increase awareness and sometimes that can be an uncomfortable thing to do.  But also know that once you are aware of how your choices are impacting your life, you can always make the choice to change them.

Live Healthy. Live Happy.

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